Layik Hama

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16th June 2020

GitHub Actions

These days we no longer need to worry about setting up our Jenkins or other CI/CD pipelines. Travis and others provide what you need to deploy an automated pipeline to deliver your new versions of your applications.

There is alos services to assist with keeping up with your test code and coverage. These can also be integrated with the likes of Travis. GitLab has similar tools built into the platform. It looks like GitHub is also tryring to add these services into the repositories.

The ease with which GitHub guesses the required yml file is also an extra bonus. If your repository is a NoeJS application then few lines of configuration can get you the service that we would get from Travis (for example). The “actions” tabe is all you need, there is no need to add any step by step tutorial. I am sure your questions are already covered over at StackOverflow.

Screenshot 2019-12-17 at 16 26 48